Dr. Ning Zeng of the University of Maryland scours the East Moraine of King George Island’s Fildes Peninsula for the most favorable location for collecting soil samples on the 2010 Wilderness Research Antarctic Program
Photo by Sheldon Bart
Ice cave, Erebus ice tongue
Photo by Bob Breyer
NSF invited guests at 90 degrees south on 50th anniversary of Admiral Byrd’s flight to the South Pole, November 29,1979. Banner courtesy of Robert Byrd Breyer (Byrd’s grandson). Guests: Dr. Norman Hackerman, Chairman National Science Board, Senator Harry Byrd, Admiral Byrd’s nephew, Robert Byrd Breyer (built dome South Pole station), Admiral Byrd’s grandson, Larry Gould, 2nd in command BAE I, Norman Vaughan, dog sled driver BAE I, Robert Woolsey, Undersecretary of the Navy, Thomas Pickering, Assistant Secretary of State, Dr. Grover Murray, National Science Board, Herbert Doan, National Science Board, Morris Busby, Department of State, John Wydler, U.S. House of Representatives. Ross WIlliams, Rear Admiral U.S. Navy
Photo contributed by Bob Breyer
Bust of Admiral Byrd in front of NSF headquarters chalet McMurdo Station
Photo by Bob Breyer
New Dome South Pole Station dedicated January 9, 1975.