Robert Flint
Board Member
Rob Flint graduated from Yale University in 1962 with a degree in electrical engineering. He received a Masters Degree in electrical engineering in 1963 from Stanford University and a further Masters Degree in industrial engineering in 1970 also from Stanford University.
As an employee of Stanford University, Flint worked in the Antarctic under R. Helliwell and J. Katsufrakis and was charged with maintenance, data collection, and design of instrumentation for very low frequency (vlf) radio research in Antarctica. He wintered over at Byrd Station in 1964 and again in 1966 as the first scientific leader at Plateau Station.
Flint was selected by the Office of Polar Programs of the National Science Foundation in 1973 to be the exchange scientist at the Soviet Vostok Station (the coldest place on earth) for the winter of 1974. He worked there as an employee of NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
He has made seven other trips to Antarctica — two to work on the Stanford long-wire research antenna at Siple Station (1970-1971 and 1976-1977), and four as an employee of Stanford University, the University of Alaska, and the University of Wisconsin to install automatic weather stations in the Terre d’Adélie part of Antarctica (1979-1980, 1985-1986, 1990, 2000-2001), working under the direction of G. Wendler (University of Alaska) and C. Stearns (University of Wisconsin) in co-operation with Expéditions Polaires Française. He also made one trip as a tourist, with his family, in 2006. Publications include an article in Journal of Geophysical Research and a monograph published by Stanford University Radioscience Lab
Flint’s organizational experience includes:
- Serving as president of the Antarctican Society 2004-2006
- Member of Explorers’ Club Northern California chapter
- Two years (1998-2000) as president of the Sierra Club Foundation and 18 years as a member of the board of the Foundation; long-time volunteer for both the Sierra Club Foundation and Town of Woodside
Flint has made his living as an engineer and investor.